It is a top down (well, slightly isometric) third person shooter that tells a main story from different factions viewpoints. It sports an offline multiplayer mode, it has lots of details and interesting areas to explore and it can be quite challenging, especially if you play it on the harder difficulties. But that's pretty much where the good things end. Then we come to the controls. The controls aren't very good, particularly not in situations where you and your opponent are on different height levels. The aim assist is a complete joke. I would even argue it borders on totally broken. I died so many times due to the aim assist freaking out that I was ready to just give up on the game at times. I stuck with it though, but only to say I beat it. When it was over I quickly put it back on the shelf and moved on.
"I stuck with it though, but only to say I beat it."
So, what is my final verdict on this game? From the above we can deduct that I think it is forgettable. Further on I would say that Guerilla do not completely understand third person games in the same way as they do first person games. If you have a PSP and love the Killzone universe I would say it is worth picking up at a cheap price, but there are much better games in the genre on the PSP. For example Resistance: Retribution. Or even the GTA games.